Arlo & Collision

Created by Ben 8 years ago
I met Arlo when I first moved to Bristol at Bolex Brothers animation studio. My initial impression was "who's this moody git?" I soon realised he was actually a very dry, very funny, warm person and we became good friends. Soon after meeting him, Myself and Chris Hopewell created collision films and we often employed Arlo for various duties on productions. Having him around was very important to the whole vibe of collision... Arlo was a great artist and introduced me to a lot of my now favourite music. He made me a load of mix tapes with custom album artwork. I'll post them on here soon. We once pitched an idea for a music video together using the images and designs, Arlo and I had to meet the band at Abbey road studios. It was great being there with him. Unfortunately we didn't get to do the video but I always regretted missing the opportunity to do something with his ideas and images.

His usual role at collision was driver/runner helping out on film shoots etc. His inner anarchist would surface every now and then, usually in the form of a purposley relaxed approach when asked to fetch things from town like "extra water for the dancers" being a man of the earth this was a ridicilous notion and a waste of time, fuel, money and plastics. I remember him doing this impression over and over in a whiney baby voice " i need water.. somone get more water for the dancers!!". .. If Arlo was on duty you'd expect him back a few hours later than anyone else. God knows what he was doing, probably stopping on the motorway to help a hedgehog cross the road. But it was Arlo and he never let us down and he's awesome so it was fine.

Once we left him unsupervised to paint a large wooden board . We returned about two hours later to find him stood over a tray of paint with a 4 foot stick in his hand dabbing at the paint and scraping and flicking it onto the board. I asked him what was he was up to... " I couldn't find any brushes" (ask a silly question..!) if it was anyone else I would've have thrown them out the building. It was one of the most bizarre/funniest things I've ever seen.

I once told Arlo he was just like Asimo- (the humanoid robot built by Honda) .. because he was expensive and slow. He never forgot that and I think he took it quite seriously despite the fact it was obviously a joke (Arlo was actually quite cheap to employ) My point was that Asimo is loveable, intelligent, intriguing, priceless and one of a kind. I wish I had my very own Asimo.

Like a lot of people, I regret not seeing more often in the last few years.
I miss him & think about him often.

7 months ago Lou and I had our first child.
He’s called Rex Arlo Foley.